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12 динозавров России
О проекте
Виртуальная коллекция
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ANHM 2 845 38,39 (17,18) 17th and 18th cervical vertebrae
Olorotitan archarensis
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ANHM 2 845 35-38 (14-16) 14th-16th cervical vertebrae
Olorotitan archarensis
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ANHM 2 845 33,34 (12,13) 12-14th cervical vertebrae
Olorotitan archarensis
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ANHM 2 845 31 (11) 11th cervical vertebra
Olorotitan archarensis
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ANHM 2 845 27,28,30 (9,10) 9th and 10th cervical vertebrae
Olorotitan archarensis
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ANHM 2 845 25,26 (7) 8th cervical vertebra
Olorotitan archarensis
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ANHM 2 845 23,24 7th cervical vertebra
Olorotitan archarensis
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ANHM 2 845 21,22 6th cervical vertebra
Olorotitan archarensis
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ANHM 2 845 19,20 (4,5) 5th cervical vertebra
Olorotitan archarensis
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ANHM 2 845 131 Three cervical vertebrae
Olorotitan archarensis
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